An old dog...(me) can still learn new tricks.

Not that I've been fighting the push to join the multimedia world...well just a little, OK a lot. I recently was asked to shoot stills for a couple of stories and possibly videos too for NowU, a Gannett web magazine. Yes, a major departure from my world of shooting film with a Rolleiflex and tintypes with a 11x14 Deardoroff studio camera to producing a video, what a better time to jump in with both feet and my eyes wide open. A quote by Edwin Land, founder of the Polaroid, says it all!

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail”          -Edwin Land

I have to say, diving in to this unknown was a bit scary and extremely rewarding. The whole editing process had it's it's hurtles to overcome, but at the end it was a great feeling of accomplishment. Yes, this old dog did learn a new trick.  Click through these links and take a look.